OPAC - Online Public Access Catalogue

Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) or simply a Library Catalogue is a digital database of materials such as text files, e-books, journals, etc held by a library or group of libraries. Patrons can use the online library cataloguing software to find out any item under control of a library. It displays the query search results in an easy-to-understand format to enable patrons to find digital material quickly.

The globally located library authorities or librarians have the provision to update the catalogue which usually requires a small amount of time.

Information about documents can be searched using powerful search engine according to:

  • Title
  • Accession Number
  • Author, Co-Author
  • Subject, Publisher
  • Class Number, ISBN Number
  • Publication Year
  • Publication Place
  • Word in a Title Search
  • Combinational Search
  • Editor
  • Translated Books
  • Type of Document
  • Dissertation/Thesis Search
  • Claim & Reservation to Books
  • Belonging Search
  • Keyword Searching

How Does OPAC System Work?

Library OPAC system can be explored by any visitor to access the digital catalogue of materials. To search a book via OPAC: Online Public Access Catalogue, library patrons or students of college/university can visit this page via the web.

Once students/faculties visit the OPAC Search, a wide range of digital content is made available to help them make choices. Students can search their desired file by entering various fields such as – Title, Author, Subject, Keyword searching, etc. The search results offer them direct electronic access to the searched material or give out their physical location in the library.a wide range of digital content is made available to help them make choices. Students can search their desired book/item as well by directly entering the accession no. of the item.

Key Features Of Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC System)

  • Searches can be filtered in a number of ways for simplifying the operation.
  • Users have the provision to move any bibliographic record in forward and backward direction which mimics searching a book manually by moving through a library shelf.
  • The library management system saves enormous amounts of effort and time by enabling patrons to select a search in the given list and go back to that previously searched terms with a few clicks.
  • Patrons can browse & find the files by entering - Heading, Control Number, Keyword Search, Title, Author, Subject, etc in the software.
  • Patron gets the access to view their own record of online book issuing/transactions from the library catalogue online.